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Viva Fifty

8 подписчиков

Foods to avoid during menopause

A change in diet is not easy, but avoiding certain foods during menopause can help reduce uncomfortable symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, anxiety, vaginal dryness, and mood changes among others.  The best part about avoiding these foods is that you will quickly feel the results.

Dealing with dry eyes in menopause

Dealing with dry eyes during menopause is one of the many things I wish I’d known more about as I started experiencing hormonal changes in midlife. So if you’re like me, and you’ve entered menopause, you may be experiencing the uncomfortable and annoying symptoms of dry eye syndrome. Why do dry

Single, childfree & happy: Jennifer Kirk “The Happy Maverick”

I had the pleasure of speaking with Jennifer Kirk, also known as the “Happy Maverick.” We connected online, and though our life paths are different, we’ve discovered that we share many core values.  Jennifer’s single, child-free lifestyle contrasts with my experience as a mother and wife, but we

Your skin-care needs at every decade

What your skin needs in your 50’s and 60’s is not what it used to require when you were in your 20’s or 30’s. It’s not even what it needed in your 40’s. As someone who’s taken care of my skin since the tender age of 12, I have experience — and lots of it — with skin care at every single decade up

Los mejores descuentos en USA para mayores de 55 años

Photo: Pexels Envejecer tiene sus beneficios y no me refiero solo a obtener descuentos en cenas a horas tempranas. En verdad, hay un montón de rebajas geniales que ni te esperas, incluyendo descuentos en viajes y tiendas, disponibles para mayores de 55 años. Incluso hay compañías que ofrecen

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