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Viva Fifty

8 подписчиков

Hey Honey skincare by Katerina Larden, designed for busy women

Today, I have the pleasure of introducing a woman whose passion for skincare aligns beautifully with my own—Katerina Larden, the founder and CEO of Hey Honey.  This beauty brand has captured my heart, and I’m thrilled to share our conversation about her journey and the incredible products she’s

Why we should spend time with people of all ages

The words “young” and “old” may have opposite meanings, but when it comes to human beings of varying ages making important connections, it’s actually a perfect match. Social circles frequently do develop based on age groups, so that people of the same age wind up socializing together. But there are

10 Tips to train for a marathon at 50+

Training for a marathon is a massive undertaking regardless of age — especially for those of us who are not professional athletes — but there are certainly additional challenges to overcome once you’ve reached age 50. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should shy away from completing a marathon if

Are you really too old to try something new?

There are a lot of perceptions about getting older that just aren’t true, many of which play into our fear of aging. The idea that somehow our ability to start a new venture later in life is limited — whether it’s beginning a new career, developing a skill, or exploring a new hobby — is one of the

Benefits of coconut oil for midlife skin

My grandmother, who lived to be 101 (yes, you read right!), used coconut oil when she was younger, to enhance her beauty and improve her overall health. In my late fifties, I’m following suit. Coconut oil is multipurpose, natural, and has no added chemicals. Coconut oil has been used for centuries

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