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Viva Fifty

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4 Benefits of meditation for midlife women

Meditation involves entering a tranquil state where you can witness your thoughts without being influenced by them.

It serves as a regular method to self-reflect, helping to prevent stress and overwhelm from daily life.

This practice is advantageous for individuals across all age groups, yet it holds particular significance for older adults who might be facing higher risks of illness, pain, and sleep disturbances, especially during menopause.

Here are some ways it can help you:

Stress management

Possibly the biggest benefit of meditation is stress reduction.

Reducing or eliminating stress can lead to a multitude of benefits for both your mental and physical health, potentially enhancing your body’s overall functionality.

Stress has the potential to manifest physically, leading to illness.

By managing or removing stress from your life, you enable your body to operate more efficiently.

Consequently, less energy is consumed by negative responses, freeing up more resources for essential bodily functions, including the activities of your immune and endocrine systems, the latter of which regulates hormones.

Photo: Shutterstock

Improved bodily functions

Stress plays a role in the development of numerous health conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.

Achieving a state of calm and relaxation can lead to lower blood pressure, potentially reduced blood sugar levels, and stabilized hormones that influence heart function and blood clotting.

Meditation provides a way to gain perspective on stressors and clear your mind, enabling you to devise strategies for handling them while maintaining peace.

It assists in focusing your thoughts, making you more prepared to face life’s challenges.

Also read: What really matters in midlife – thriving

Better ability to focus

Have you ever jolted awake in the morning, overwhelmed by panic and rushing about like a bee, aware of the hectic day ahead and feeling that if you don’t keep moving, you’ll accomplish nothing?

Do you find that on these mornings, you actually get very little done?

When our minds are constantly darting from one task to another, productivity suffers.

However, dedicating a few minutes to meditation can aid in centering your thoughts and energy, equipping you with a calmer, more structured approach to your day, thereby enhancing your efficiency.

Easier sleep

I have chronic insomnia, and meditation is the one technique that has worked consistently to help me fall asleep more easily.

When attempting to fall asleep I lie flat on my back and focus on relaxing one body part at a time, and usually I’m out like a light before I get to feeling my feet.

The correct amount of good quality sleep allows your body to rest and rejuvenate, brings more clarity to your thoughts and makes you more alert, focused and patient.

Essentially, it better equips you to deal with the challenges of life.

Also read: This yoga teacher training is designed for the 50+ crowd

I suffer from chronic insomnia, and meditation has been the most reliable method for helping me drift off to sleep with ease.

As I try to sleep, I lie on my back and concentrate on relaxing each part of my body in turn; more often than not, I fall asleep before even reaching my feet.

Adequate, high-quality sleep is crucial for your body’s rest and rejuvenation, sharpening your mental clarity and enhancing your alertness, focus, and patience.

Ultimately, it prepares you more effectively to navigate life’s challenges.


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